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The Arizona Business & Education Coalition (ABEC) is the only 501(c)3 non-partisan, statewide organization that brings business, education, and community leaders together to share information and influence the future of education in Arizona. a We provide balanced forum for business and education leaders to collaborate and improve K-12 public education policy. Our guiding principles include:

  • Increasing public awareness about the relationship between Arizona’s future workforce and the quality of the K-12 system;
  • actively and effectively influencing public education policy; and
  • sharing responsibility for the growth of student achievement in Arizona.


ABEC is a non-partisan public policy advocacy organization. ABEC works with advocates and policy makers throughout the state in pursuit of these goals. Through projects, initiatives and events, ABEC raises awareness of key challenges and policy issues, builds state commitment for change, and engages others beyond members in the work of ABEC.


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